Un éléphanteau sauvé de la noyade par son troupeau / A baby elephant saved from drowning by his flock
Sur ces images, tournées par Sandy Gelderman lors d'un safari au Kenya, on voit un éléphanteau et son troupeau traverser la rivière Ewaso Ngiro. Sauf que pour l'éléphanteau, la traversée va s'avérer plus difficile que pour les adultes. Emporté par le courant, l'éléphanteau est vite secouru par sa mère et un autre éléphant. Une première leçon de nage dont il se souviendra ! Crédit : Sandy Gelderman
On these images, shot by Sandy Gelderman during a safari in Kenya, we see a baby elephant and his flock crossing the river Ewaso Ngiro. But for the little elephant, the crossing will be more difficult than for adults. Swept away, the elephant is quickly rescued by his mother and another elephant. First swimming lesson that he will remember ! Credit: Sandy Gelderman
On these images, shot by Sandy Gelderman during a safari in Kenya, we see a baby elephant and his flock crossing the river Ewaso Ngiro. But for the little elephant, the crossing will be more difficult than for adults. Swept away, the elephant is quickly rescued by his mother and another elephant. First swimming lesson that he will remember ! Credit: Sandy Gelderman
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